
The examples site is in active development. Check back soon for more complete examples of how to use pytorch-minimize.

Unconstrained minimization

from torchmin import minimize
from torchmin.benchmarks import rosen

# initial point
x0 = torch.randn(100, device='cpu')

result = minimize(rosen, x0, method='bfgs')

# Newton Conjugate Gradient
result = minimize(rosen, x0, method='newton-cg')

Constrained minimization

For constrained optimization, the adversarial examples tutorial demonstrates how to use trust-region constrained optimization to generate an optimal adversarial perturbation given a constraint on the perturbation norm.

Nonlinear least-squares

Coming soon.

Scipy benchmark

The SciPy benchmark provides a comparison of pytorch-minimize solvers to their analogous solvers from the scipy.optimize module. For those transitioning from scipy, this script will help get a feel for the design of the current library. Unlike scipy, jacobian and hessian functions need not be provided to pytorch-minimize solvers, and numerical approximations are never used.

Minimizer (optimizer API)

Another way to use the optimization tools from pytorch-minimize is via torchmin.Minimizer, a pytorch Optimizer class. For a demo on how to use the Minimizer class, see the MNIST classifier tutorial.