Source code for torchmin.minimize_constr

import warnings
import numbers
import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, Bounds, NonlinearConstraint
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator

_constr_keys = {'fun', 'lb', 'ub', 'jac', 'hess', 'hessp', 'keep_feasible'}
_bounds_keys = {'lb', 'ub', 'keep_feasible'}

def _build_obj(f, x0):
    numel = x0.numel()

    def to_tensor(x):
        return torch.tensor(x, dtype=x0.dtype, device=x0.device).view_as(x0)

    def f_with_jac(x):
        x = to_tensor(x).requires_grad_(True)
        with torch.enable_grad():
            fval = f(x)
        grad, = torch.autograd.grad(fval, x)
        return fval.detach().cpu().numpy(), grad.view(-1).cpu().numpy()

    def f_hess(x):
        x = to_tensor(x).requires_grad_(True)
        with torch.enable_grad():
            fval = f(x)
            grad, = torch.autograd.grad(fval, x, create_graph=True)
        def matvec(p):
            p = to_tensor(p)
            hvp, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, x, p, retain_graph=True)
            return hvp.view(-1).cpu().numpy()
        return LinearOperator((numel, numel), matvec=matvec)

    return f_with_jac, f_hess

def _build_constr(constr, x0):
    assert isinstance(constr, dict)
    assert set(constr.keys()).issubset(_constr_keys)
    assert 'fun' in constr
    assert 'lb' in constr or 'ub' in constr
    if 'lb' not in constr:
        constr['lb'] = -np.inf
    if 'ub' not in constr:
        constr['ub'] = np.inf
    f_ = constr['fun']
    numel = x0.numel()

    def to_tensor(x):
        return torch.tensor(x, dtype=x0.dtype, device=x0.device).view_as(x0)

    def f(x):
        x = to_tensor(x)
        return f_(x).cpu().numpy()

    def f_jac(x):
        x = to_tensor(x)
        if 'jac' in constr:
            grad = constr['jac'](x)
            with torch.enable_grad():
                grad, = torch.autograd.grad(f_(x), x)
        return grad.view(-1).cpu().numpy()

    def f_hess(x, v):
        x = to_tensor(x)
        if 'hess' in constr:
            hess = constr['hess'](x)
            return v[0] * hess.view(numel, numel).cpu().numpy()
        elif 'hessp' in constr:
            def matvec(p):
                p = to_tensor(p)
                hvp = constr['hessp'](x, p)
                return v[0] * hvp.view(-1).cpu().numpy()
            return LinearOperator((numel, numel), matvec=matvec)
            with torch.enable_grad():
                if 'jac' in constr:
                    grad = constr['jac'](x)
                    grad, = torch.autograd.grad(f_(x), x, create_graph=True)
            def matvec(p):
                p = to_tensor(p)
                if grad.grad_fn is None:
                    # If grad_fn is None, then grad is constant wrt x, and hess is 0.
                    hvp = torch.zeros_like(grad)
                    hvp, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, x, p, retain_graph=True)
                return v[0] * hvp.view(-1).cpu().numpy()
            return LinearOperator((numel, numel), matvec=matvec)

    return NonlinearConstraint(
        fun=f, lb=constr['lb'], ub=constr['ub'],
        jac=f_jac, hess=f_hess,
        keep_feasible=constr.get('keep_feasible', False))

def _check_bound(val, x0):
    if isinstance(val, numbers.Number):
        return np.full(x0.numel(), val)
    elif isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
        assert val.numel() == x0.numel()
        return val.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten()
    elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        assert val.size == x0.numel()
        return val.flatten()
        raise ValueError('Bound value has unrecognized format.')

def _build_bounds(bounds, x0):
    assert isinstance(bounds, dict)
    assert set(bounds.keys()).issubset(_bounds_keys)
    assert 'lb' in bounds or 'ub' in bounds
    lb = _check_bound(bounds.get('lb', -np.inf), x0)
    ub = _check_bound(bounds.get('ub', np.inf), x0)
    keep_feasible = bounds.get('keep_feasible', False)

    return Bounds(lb, ub, keep_feasible)

[docs]@torch.no_grad() def minimize_constr( f, x0, constr=None, bounds=None, max_iter=None, tol=None, callback=None, disp=0, **kwargs): """Minimize a scalar function of one or more variables subject to bounds and/or constraints. .. note:: This is a wrapper for SciPy's `'trust-constr' <>`_ method. It uses autograd behind the scenes to build jacobian & hessian callables before invoking scipy. Inputs and objectivs should use PyTorch tensors like other routines. CUDA is supported; however, data will be transferred back-and-forth between GPU/CPU. Parameters ---------- f : callable Scalar objective function to minimize. x0 : Tensor Initialization point. constr : dict, optional Constraint specifications. Should be a dictionary with the following fields: * fun (callable) - Constraint function * lb (Tensor or float, optional) - Constraint lower bounds * ub : (Tensor or float, optional) - Constraint upper bounds One of either `lb` or `ub` must be provided. When `lb` == `ub` it is interpreted as an equality constraint. bounds : dict, optional Bounds on variables. Should a dictionary with at least one of the following fields: * lb (Tensor or float) - Lower bounds * ub (Tensor or float) - Upper bounds Bounds of `-inf`/`inf` are interpreted as no bound. When `lb` == `ub` it is interpreted as an equality constraint. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform. If unspecified, this will be set to the default of the selected method. tol : float, optional Tolerance for termination. For detailed control, use solver-specific options. callback : callable, optional Function to call after each iteration with the current parameter state, e.g. ``callback(x)``. disp : int Level of algorithm's verbosity: * 0 : work silently (default). * 1 : display a termination report. * 2 : display progress during iterations. * 3 : display progress during iterations (more complete report). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to SciPy's trust-constr solver. See options `here <>`_. Returns ------- result : OptimizeResult Result of the optimization routine. """ if max_iter is None: max_iter = 1000 x0 = x0.detach() if x0.is_cuda: warnings.warn('GPU is not recommended for trust-constr. ' 'Data will be moved back-and-forth from CPU.') # handle callbacks if callback is not None: callback_ = callback callback = lambda x, state: callback_( torch.tensor(x, dtype=x0.dtype, device=x0.device).view_as(x0), state) # handle bounds if bounds is not None: bounds = _build_bounds(bounds, x0) # build objective function (and hessian) f_with_jac, f_hess = _build_obj(f, x0) # build constraints if constr is not None: constraints = [_build_constr(constr, x0)] else: constraints = [] # optimize x0_np = x0.cpu().numpy().flatten().copy() result = minimize( f_with_jac, x0_np, method='trust-constr', jac=True, hess=f_hess, callback=callback, tol=tol, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, options=dict(verbose=int(disp), maxiter=max_iter, **kwargs) ) # convert the important things to torch tensors for key in ['fun', 'grad', 'x']: result[key] = torch.tensor(result[key], dtype=x0.dtype, device=x0.device) result['x'] = result['x'].view_as(x0) return result