Source code for torchmin.optim.scipy_minimizer

import numbers
import numpy as np
import torch
from functools import reduce
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from scipy import optimize
from torch._vmap_internals import _vmap
from torch.autograd.functional import (_construct_standard_basis_for,
                                       _grad_postprocess, _tuple_postprocess,

def _build_bounds(bounds, params, numel_total):
    if len(bounds) != len(params):
        raise ValueError('bounds must be an iterable with same length as params')

    lb = np.full(numel_total, -np.inf)
    ub = np.full(numel_total, np.inf)
    keep_feasible = np.zeros(numel_total, dtype=np.bool)

    def process_bound(x, numel):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            assert x.numel() == numel
            return x.view(-1).detach().cpu().numpy()
        elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            assert x.size == numel
            return x.flatten()
        elif isinstance(x, (bool, numbers.Number)):
            return x
            raise ValueError('invalid bound value.')

    offset = 0
    for bound, p in zip(bounds, params):
        numel = p.numel()
        if bound is None:
            offset += numel
        if not isinstance(bound, (list, tuple)) and len(bound) in [2,3]:
            raise ValueError('elements of "bounds" must each be a '
                             'list/tuple of length 2 or 3')
        if bound[0] is None and bound[1] is None:
            raise ValueError('either lower or upper bound must be defined.')
        if bound[0] is not None:
            lb[offset:offset + numel] = process_bound(bound[0], numel)
        if bound[1] is not None:
            ub[offset:offset + numel] = process_bound(bound[1], numel)
        if len(bound) == 3:
            keep_feasible[offset:offset + numel] = process_bound(bound[2], numel)
        offset += numel

    return optimize.Bounds(lb, ub, keep_feasible)

def _jacobian(inputs, outputs):
    """A modified variant of torch.autograd.functional.jacobian for
    pre-computed outputs

    This is only used for nonlinear parameter constraints (if provided)
    is_inputs_tuple, inputs = _as_tuple(inputs, "inputs", "jacobian")
    is_outputs_tuple, outputs = _as_tuple(outputs, "outputs", "jacobian")

    output_numels = tuple(output.numel() for output in outputs)
    grad_outputs = _construct_standard_basis_for(outputs, output_numels)
    with torch.enable_grad():
        flat_outputs = tuple(output.reshape(-1) for output in outputs)

    def vjp(grad_output):
        vj = list(torch.autograd.grad(flat_outputs, inputs, grad_output, allow_unused=True))
        for el_idx, vj_el in enumerate(vj):
            if vj_el is not None:
            vj[el_idx] = torch.zeros_like(inputs[el_idx])
        return tuple(vj)

    jacobians_of_flat_output = _vmap(vjp)(grad_outputs)

    jacobian_input_output = []
    for jac, input_i in zip(jacobians_of_flat_output, inputs):
        jacobian_input_i_output = []
        for jac, output_j in zip(jac.split(output_numels, dim=0), outputs):
            jacobian_input_i_output_j = jac.view(output_j.shape + input_i.shape)

    jacobian_output_input = tuple(zip(*jacobian_input_output))

    jacobian_output_input = _grad_postprocess(jacobian_output_input, create_graph=False)
    return _tuple_postprocess(jacobian_output_input, (is_outputs_tuple, is_inputs_tuple))

[docs]class ScipyMinimizer(Optimizer): """A PyTorch optimizer for constrained & unconstrained function minimization. .. note:: This optimizer is a wrapper for :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. It uses autograd behind the scenes to build jacobian & hessian callables before invoking scipy. Inputs and objectivs should use PyTorch tensors like other routines. CUDA is supported; however, data will be transferred back-and-forth between GPU/CPU. .. warning:: This optimizer doesn't support per-parameter options and parameter groups (there can be only one). .. warning:: Right now all parameters have to be on a single device. This will be improved in the future. Parameters ---------- params : iterable An iterable of :class:`torch.Tensor` s. Specifies what Tensors should be optimized. method : str One of the various optimization methods offered in scipy minimize. Defaults to 'bfgs'. bounds : iterable, optional An iterable of :class:`torch.Tensor` s or :class:`float` s with same length as `params`. Specifies boundaries for each parameter. constraints : dict, optional TODO tol : float, optional TODO options : dict, optional TODO """
[docs] def __init__(self, params, method='bfgs', bounds=None, constraints=(), # experimental feature! use with caution tol=None, options=None): assert isinstance(method, str) method = method.lower() defaults = dict( method=method, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, tol=tol, options=options) super().__init__(params, defaults) if len(self.param_groups) != 1: raise ValueError("Minimize doesn't support per-parameter options " "(parameter groups)") if constraints != () and method != 'trust-constr': raise NotImplementedError("Constraints only currently supported for " "method='trust-constr'.") self._params = self.param_groups[0]['params'] self._param_bounds = self.param_groups[0]['bounds'] self._numel_cache = None self._bounds_cache = None self._result = None
def _numel(self): if self._numel_cache is None: self._numel_cache = reduce(lambda total, p: total + p.numel(), self._params, 0) return self._numel_cache def _bounds(self): if self._param_bounds is None: return None if self._bounds_cache is None: self._bounds_cache = _build_bounds(self._param_bounds, self._params, self._numel()) return self._bounds_cache def _gather_flat_param(self): views = [] for p in self._params: if view = else: view = views.append(view) return, 0) def _gather_flat_grad(self): views = [] for p in self._params: if p.grad is None: view = p.new_zeros(p.numel()) elif p.grad.is_sparse: view = p.grad.to_dense().view(-1) else: view = p.grad.view(-1) views.append(view) return, 0) def _set_flat_param(self, value): offset = 0 for p in self._params: numel = p.numel() # view as to avoid deprecated pointwise semantics p.copy_(value[offset:offset + numel].view_as(p)) offset += numel assert offset == self._numel() def _build_constraints(self, constraints): assert isinstance(constraints, dict) assert 'fun' in constraints assert 'lb' in constraints or 'ub' in constraints to_tensor = lambda x: self._params[0].new_tensor(x) to_array = lambda x: x.cpu().numpy() fun_ = constraints['fun'] lb = constraints.get('lb', -np.inf) ub = constraints.get('ub', np.inf) strict = constraints.get('keep_feasible', False) lb = to_array(lb) if torch.is_tensor(lb) else lb ub = to_array(ub) if torch.is_tensor(ub) else ub strict = to_array(strict) if torch.is_tensor(strict) else strict def fun(x): self._set_flat_param(to_tensor(x)) return to_array(fun_()) def jac(x): self._set_flat_param(to_tensor(x)) with torch.enable_grad(): output = fun_() # this is now a tuple of tensors, one per parameter, each with # shape (num_outputs, *param_shape). J_seq = _jacobian(inputs=tuple(self._params), outputs=output) # flatten and stack the tensors along dim 1 to get our full matrix J =[elt.view(output.numel(), -1) for elt in J_seq], 1) return to_array(J) return optimize.NonlinearConstraint(fun, lb, ub, jac=jac, keep_feasible=strict)
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def step(self, closure): """Perform an optimization step. Parameters ---------- closure : callable A function that re-evaluates the model and returns the loss. See the `closure instructions <>`_ from PyTorch Optimizer docs for areference on how to construct this callable. """ # sanity check assert len(self.param_groups) == 1 # functions to convert numpy -> torch and torch -> numpy to_tensor = lambda x: self._params[0].new_tensor(x) to_array = lambda x: x.cpu().numpy() # optimizer settings group = self.param_groups[0] method = group['method'] bounds = self._bounds() constraints = group['constraints'] tol = group['tol'] options = group['options'] # build constraints (if provided) if constraints != (): constraints = self._build_constraints(constraints) # build objective def fun(x): x = to_tensor(x) self._set_flat_param(x) with torch.enable_grad(): loss = closure() grad = self._gather_flat_grad() return float(loss), to_array(grad) # initial value (numpy array) x0 = to_array(self._gather_flat_param()) # optimize self._result = optimize.minimize( fun, x0, method=method, jac=True, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, tol=tol, options=options ) # set final param self._set_flat_param(to_tensor(self._result.x)) return to_tensor(